Different Types Of Truck Cabs

Pickup trucks are vehicles with quite long history, as they have been first-time introduced by the automotive industry in 1913 and they are still a popular auto choice, especially for the Australians and the Americans.

Today, the pickup is mostly used as a passenger car and it is also considered a ‘lifestyle vehicle’. But, using the pickup for work purposes is not an exception too, due to the enclosed cab it has that provides a vast cargo area, perfect for light-duty tasks. Different brands and models of pickups can be commonly seen on the streets and highways in Australia and New Zealand, so keep reading and find out how pickups differ, or better said, what makes them different one to another.


Usually, it is the truck’s cab that brings the greatest change and difference to а pickup, as there are three main truck-cab choices:

  • Regular Cab;
  • Extended Cab;
  • Crew Cab.

Regular Cab

Normally, the regular truck cab features two or three seats in a row. These pickup trucks have no rear doors and no rear seats, so the truck’s window comes right behind its seats. Since every type of pickup cab has its own pros and cons, the biggest advantage of the regular pickup cab is price. Hence, this type of truck cab is least expensive of all three cab-models, but on the other hand, it is not that practical, due to limited seating space. For example, this model of truck cab is ideal for pickups used on farms and other rural areas, but when it comes to daily driving in towns and cities with more people within the truck, the regular cab is out of option.

Extended Cab vs. Crew Cab

To ensure a comfortable family seating inside the pickup, you should consider either an extended cab or a crew one. But, how to choose what models suits the best to your needs? For example, if you need a large seating space and high-level of practicality, then you definitely need a pickup with an extended cab, since the size of the crew cab does not offer much comfort and seating space for larger families. Moreover, if you look for bigger enclosed storage capacity, an extended cab will perfectly do the job. Crew cabs on the other hand, are ideal for frequent passenger drivings, but they tend to be more expensive than extended cabs.

One of the latest trends lately are the dual cab trucks that are also a costly investment if bought brand new, but you can make a perfect bargain if you opt for dual cab trucks for sale. You can find branded and versatile dual cab trucks for sale on the online market that come at pretty attractive and affordable prices.

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